Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Shaving Bumps

Reduce and Eliminate Shaving Bumps

Safe and effective treatments
Urban Family Practice Laser Center now provides the most advanced FDA cleared laser technology for the reduction and elimination of Pseudo Folliculitis (PF), more commonly known as shaving bumps. These may appear on any commonly shaved area of your body. This advanced technology allows us to treat all ethnic groups and skin types safely and effectively. Dr. Raul Vazquez supervises all laser treatments for the reduction and elimination of shaving bumps.

Treatments that really work

Laser light is absorbed by pigment in actively growing hair, damaging the hair follicle and thus, hair re-growth is impeded, reducing and eliminating the bumps caused by ingrown hairs. The average patient sees at least a 75% short-term reduction of shaving bumps within two weeks after just one or two treatments. One or two annual touch up treatments may be required after completing the initial treatment series.

Average treatment series

Only a portion of your hair is in the active growth phase at the time of treatment. Therefore, a series of treatments will be required to achieve the long-term improvement you desire. These treatments are spaced approximately 4-12 weeks apart, based on hair growth cycles. Long-term improvement is seen after completing a series of four to six treatments.

Typical treatment sessions

Sessions to treat the neck or bikini area can take as little as 15 minutes, while a full beard and neck may take 45 minutes.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

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Yahoo! Photos - rvaz122990's Photos

Phases of hair growth

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Phases of hair growth

What are the 3 phases of hair growth?
Anagen – is the active growth phase. During this phase, the hair contains an abundance of melanin
Catagen – is the regression phase. During this phase the lower part of the hair stops growing.
Telogen- is the resting phase. During this phase the old hair falls out with the preparation for the development of the new hair.The laser works when the hair is in the anagen phase.

Laser hair removal FAQ

What are the most popular areas for laser hair removal? - The most popular areas are female facial hair, bikini line hair and back hair for men.
How long has Ideal Image been in existence? - The Tampa headquarters opened in September 2001. Ideal Image now has locations all over the United States and Internationally. We've performed over 100,000 treatments without complications.
How long has laser technology been in use? - Lasers have been used in medicine for 20 years. Laser hair removal began 10 years ago, but hair removal laser technology has really progressed in the last five years.
What is the difference between pulsed light and lasers? - Pulsed light is not laser. While pulsed light is effective and can be used for other services, our experience supports the more powerful laser treatment for hair removal. Pulsed light is generally less safe for darker skin colors.
How is laser different from Electrolysis? - Electrolysis treatment is one hair at a time. Laser is much quicker. An area like the underarms, for example, can be treated in just 10 minutes.
What are the risks of hair removal? - Laser hair removal is a lunch time procedure. There is no recovery time. Patients can return to work or play immediately. These lasers do not remove skin, so the risks are very low. As with any procedure, we have an informed consent that explains all the possible risks.
How old do you have to be for laser hair removal? - There really is no age limit, but we never treat toddlers. Young people that are not finished growing will develop new hair as they grow, and will require touch ups to maintain the results. We currently do not treat children under the age of 13. Older people usually have gray hair that will not respond to laser.
Is it painful? - Everyone's pain tolerance is different. People have compared it to a rubber band snap against the skin. Compared to waxing the treatment has very little discomfort. If you do find it uncomfortable, we can prescribe TAC (Triple Anesthetic Cream) to the skin prior to treatment. We think TAC is helpful for men's beards, women's full Brazilians and any areas where the hair is dark and very coarse.

Laser Spider Vein Treatment

Laser Vein Removal:
Vein disorders are a serious reality for many people. Everyone wants to look and feel their best, but vein disorders cause a lot of unnecessary aggravation and embarrassment. Laser vein removal is an easy solution to an ever-growing problem.
If you suffer from a vein disorder, but are hesitant about long, painful procedures, laser vein removal may be just what you're looking for. The origins of some vein disorders are still unknown, but it is thought that many are caused by heredity, excessive standing, weight gain, hormonal changes and even pregnancy.
Laser technology has become an important factor in the treatment of vascular deformities. Laser vein removal allows for the treatment of vein disorders using non-invasive, non-surgical technology. The most common vein disorders today are spider veins and varicose veins. These and other disorders, depending on severity, have been successfully treated using this laser treatment.
How It Works :
Brief light pulses are delivered to the vein through the skin's surface. They are absorbed by hemoglobin (the substance that gives blood the reddish, purple color) and converted into heat. This heat causes the walls of the vein to collapse which, in turn, stops the blood flow. Once this happens, the vein is slowly absorbed into the body, disappearing from sight.
Laser technology enables the doctor to collapse the veins without doing any damage to the outer layers of skin. The wavelength discharged through the pulse enables the light to reach the target veins under the skin while evading the outer skin entirely. The light pulses are delivered so quickly, there is not enough time for the skin to be damaged.
Will It Hurt?
When the laser is used, it produces a minor tingling feeling and causes the skin to become slightly red. This usually subsides after a few days. Cooling agents are in place in order to maximize comfort and protect the outer layers of the skin. A local anesthetic can be used if a patient finds the application of the laser too painful.
There are a few minor risks that are sometimes associated with laser vein procedures.
slight discoloration of skin or pigment change
allergic reaction to anesthetic
insufficient removal of veins
All of these risks are rare and completely treatable. Patients should confer with a physician in order to attain all the pertinent information.
What To Do After The Treatment:
This procedure results in rapid healing with minimal side effects. Some patients occasionally blister, experience temporary skin discoloration, bruising and/or reddening of the skin. These conditions usually subside anywhere between a few weeks and a few months.
After the procedure, for the first 48 hours, patients should avoid any strenuous activity, keep the treatment area moist with antibiotic cream and avoid any anti-inflammatory or aspirin related medications. Patients should also wear support hoes for at least three days. This will reduce any inflammation and build-up that might cause the legs to swell or cause the veins to return.
The most important thing to do after treatment is limit your exposure to the sun. All patients' skin will be very susceptible to sunlight. If patients do need to go outside for any reason, sunscreen should be worn at all times.
How Much Will It Cost?
Laser vein removal treatments usually start at about $200.00 and tend to go up from there. Treatments can last anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes and are usually spaced about 3 to 6 weeks apart depending on the severity of the vein disorder.
What Results Can I Expect?
Laser vein treatment works by breaking up veins so that they can be dissolved and absorbed by the body. This does not happen immediately. Veins usually dissolve over the course of several weeks. If patients take all the necessary precautions following their treatments, a vein disorder free life is a real possibility.

Skin Tightening

Our skin consists of two layers, the outer layer (epidermis), and the inner layer (dermis). The main structural element of the dermis is a protein called collagen. This protein provides the skin its strength. As we get older, we tend to produce less collagen and this eventually leads to wrinkles, fine lines and bags in the skin.
Thermage is an innovative, non-invasive procedure that causes the existing collagen in the deeper layers of the skin to tighten, which leads to improved facial contours and healthier collagen. With its new radiofrequency technology, this technique is able to improve your appearance. Thermage is so revolutionary it tightens your skin and enhances the contours of your face by reshaping your skin's innermost structures. This leads to healthier, younger looking skin.
The Procedure:
The Thermage procedure uses a radiofrequency laser device that creates a controlled section of heating in the dermis and the deeper tissue of the face. The epidermis is constantly cooled by a cryogen spray in order to protect the outer layers of skin. Heating the collagen to specific temperatures creates a natural biological reaction that causes the collagen to contract and thicken. The result is the beginning of tighter, smoother skin.
In addition to the initial thickening of collagen, the body responds in another way to the heating of the deeper tissue in the face. When the body is wounded, its natural response is to heal the wound by creating new collagen. In the case of Thermage, this creation of new collagen works with the immediate tightening of the skin and adds on long term effects.
Will It Hurt?
Thermage is a non-invasive procedure so it requires no incisions and no recovery time. Some patients do experience mild redness of the skin directly after the procedure but it usually fades quickly. Patients might also experience some mild swelling. This usually subsides 2 to 3 days after the procedure, but some last longer. The longer the swelling persists, however, the better your results will be. Swelling only indicates that the collagen is still thickening.
What Are The Results?
The full effects of the Thermage treatment appear gradually. It can take 2 to 6 months for full results, although some patients do see them sooner. Full results have been known to last for up to 6 months, but recent studies have shown that some thermal collagen modifications have lasted up to several years, depending on the rate of the patients aging process. Thermage is the best non-invasive treatment for reducing the signs of aging and enhancing a more youthful appearance.

Photo Rejuvenation:

Photo Rejuvenation:
Photo Rejuvenation or Laser Skin Rejuvenation is a revolutionary, non-invasive procedure that uses either lasers or light sources to help with several common skin problems that countless people face today. The most common skin ailments include acne, acne scarring, rosacea and facial redness. Skin rejuvenation results in the production of smoother, healthier looking skin. This procedure has become increasingly popular because it is quick, easy and does not require any patient down-time.
How It Works:
Photo Rejuvenation treatment uses either lasers or light based sources like to revitalize your skin from the inside out. This approach combines the laser light along with a cooling cryogen spray to give optimal results with minimal discomfort. The cryogen spray is applied to the skin in order to protect the outer layers while the laser light passes through and stimulates the deeper tissue cells.
Many skin ailments are the cause of a malfunction in the production of collagen within the deeper tissue cells of the skin. Photo rejuvenation stimulates the natural growth of healthy collagen within the skins cells. This procedure is especially effective because collagen growth continues even after the treatment is completed.
Rejuvenation technology is also able to rid the skin of unwanted pigments such as age spots and freckles by penetrating to the deeper layers of the skin with either laser light or pulsed light in order to break up the unwanted pigmentation. Once the pigment is broken apart is it absorbed into the skin, causing for healthy, pigment-free skin. Patients will see improvements in the months following the procedure.
Is It Painful?
This procedure is very advantageous because it is non-invasive and has very few negative effects. Photo rejuvenation is virtually painless, it may cause some patients to develop mild redness but it usually goes away within a few hours. This procedure is non-surgical and requires no down-time. No wounds are created therefore there is no need to take time for healing.
What Are The Results?
Patients may need several treatments in order to produce maximum results. Touch-up procedures are most often needed in order to continue the stimulation of natural collagen growth. Most require five to six photo rejuvenation treatments which can be given every three to four weeks. After a series of treatments, patients will see a serious reduction in skin redness caused by rosacea, a decrease in any unwanted scarring, age spots, freckles and other pigmentations of the skin including acne and acne scaring. Optimal results lead to smoother, healthier skin.
Added Bonus?
Today it is also becoming more common to combine photo rejuvenation with other non-invasive skin rejuvenation procedures. Botox, Thermage, Restylane and Microdermabrasion are a few of the procedures that can be enhanced by laser skin rejuvenation. These procedures reduce the common signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines. Rejuvenation combined with any one of these procedures will lead to smoother, younger, healthier looking skin.

Permanent Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal, when first introduced in the late 1990’s, was limited to light skinned individuals with dark hair. Efficient Laser Hair Removal was produced by Alexandrite and Diode lasers. Dark skinned individuals could not use these lasers for effective hair removal because early generation lasers were unable to distinguish between skin pigment and hair follicles, which led to the burning of those with darker skin. Today this has all changed. The advent of the new laser line, the YAG, and the re-invention of the IPL system has afforded excellent results for individuals with dark skin and dark hair.